IGOFX is 100% fraud company.
The broker is registered offshore and does not hold any proper license from a well-known reliable financial regulator. It is NOT SAFE to trade IGOFX. We never advise trading with an offshore broker, since the financial investment service they deliver is not trustable. The reason is simple, the broker may promise the most ever competitive trading conditions or the trading environment, yet the trader has no any guarantee from the official entities that oversee the Forex industry. Thus the engagement to trading with such a companies means the trader will believe only on the broker’s words, and of course, it is a high risk.

IGOFX is a broker, offering online trading in Forex and CFDs. The company is owned and operated by IGO Global Limited, registered in Vanuatu by Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC). Vanuatu is an offshore zone popular among forex brokers because of the variety of tax benefits, although most of the brokers registered there are not actually regulated or licensed by any authority.
The terms and conditions “governing law” part states that IGOFX is overseen by the jurisdiction in England, but the broker is not regulated in the UK. Moreover, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has issued a warning alert against IGOFX in March 2017:
“based on information received by MAS, IGO Global Limited; IGOFX may have been wrongly perceived as being licensed or authorized by MAS.”
Also, the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM – Central Bank of Malaysia) added the broker to its alert list in July 2017:
“IGOFX is neither authorized nor approved under the relevant laws and regulations administered by BNM.”
To sum up, dealing with unregulated offshore companies such as IGOFX is very risky as they don’t guarantee the safety of customers’ funds. We recommend dealing with the entities authorized by the serious and reliable authorities, where regulation is strict.